Saturday, February 2, 2019

THE RUBBISH! "I'm All Major Brands REpresented!" (Part1)

'The Rubbish' is a superhero/monster of our time.

Origins and Development

'The Rubbish's' origins are at once obscure and all pervasive.  It is thought to be an emergent intelligence made possible by the exponential growth and sheer quantity of  man made rubbish real and virtual strewn across our planet.  A life force seems to have emerged in the new global networked connectivity of advertising and commercially oriented message media.  The Rubbish thrives on consumer waste, junk e-mail and old adverts.  The Rubbish speaks in a language solely derived from commercial tag lines and catch phrases but with occasional longer speeches strung together from obscure advertorial.  However the Rubbish has coined one catch phrase for itself  "RUBBISH! All major Brands REpresented"...


As garbage finds its way everywhere so does The Rubbish.  It's a consciousness that seems to be able to travel and become manifest in garbage through physical proximity.  It can travel with immediacy through littered environments and that includes the internet via junk e-mail.  It is an excellent spy. Although having no actual physical strength it can hide in plain sight and in the smallest pieces of litter.  It's known offensive capabilities are suffocation and/or entombment of opponents in litter filled environments and it is thought to be capable of conjuring defensive deadly poisons depending on the proximity of appropriate litter in the local environment.  **THERE IS WORRIED SPECULATION ABOUT ITS ABILITY TO OFFER AN END OF WORLD SCENARIO IF CORNERED RELATIVE TO NUCLEAR WASTE CACHES. (oh no, in the pic below 'The Rubbish' is pictured less than a mile from a nuclear power station....FOR REAL! ... and there is a Nuclear Reprocessor only 10 miles away... with lots of nasty nuclear rubbish...)

Goody or Baddy?

The Rubbish's morality is ambiguous.  Like almost all life it wishes to continue, however human civilisation currently provides the entity with a bountiful rubbish filled environment.  As long as this condition persists we can count on 'The Rubbish' to be a staunch defender of humanity and all the crap we make.

Personality Traits

The Rubbish can be very funny, delivering advert taglines with perfect comic timing in the most incongruous scenarios.  However in regular conversation its dependence on the commercial strap lines and advertorial texts can make it ambiguous, oblique and nonsensical.  It seems to talk... a load of rubbish...

Continual Legal Conflicts

All of The Rubbishes physical, aural and virtual manifestation is constrained to human rubbish and so it's very existence is a constant contravention of commercial and copyright law protecting that 'rubbish'.  Issues will surely arise if The Rubbish ever becomes involved in self promotional merchandise!


There is one certain sworn enemy of 'The Rubbish'... a heroine who is known to have had considerable success in her fight... She is Trash Girl!

The Rubbish responded "because I'm worth it - every little helps"...

Who's side are you on?

Dedicated by myTHself to my godchildren Sonny & Colette.  HAPPY BIRTHDAYS 2019!!! ;0D xxChistopher Winker

Friday, February 1, 2019

EasterEggs in EasterLegs : The Jesus Leg Apparition

The animated Flash film 'The Gift Factory' (myTHself 2004) is a creation myth for the Easter Legs.  It was published on the Flash film makers portal NewGrounds and at in 2004 (in Flash ID [Infinite Definition!]) and on YouTube in 2010 (limited quality pixel encoded edition).

I Made it in Flash (Wikipedia) when the web was slower.  Traditional pixel based video could not download its necessary data in real time quickly enough for watchable video. Flash could use vector animation which simulated frames re-drawing them 'on the hoof' in the browser at the desired frame rate.  Vector drawings define line and area using maths.  The pictures are made from drawing algebraic graphs, giving each line and area its specific colour, thickness etc.  Designing with this in mind could give moving pictures with a tiny file size compared to pixel based video. 'The Gift Factory' movie is 6 minutes long but can be described in 700 kb of data, and half of that is the music! 

Flash movies are more like games than traditional films.  They are composed of a library of reusable graphic objects and characters.  Characters, character parts and whole scenes are made by nesting animations inside one another Russian doll style.  Flash had a simple coding language called Actionscript (Wikipedia) which could make parts of the screen responsive to user mouse clicks and cursor movement.  These areas named 'buttons' could be developed using timeline loops to make complex animated characters.  The movie maker could, game like, hand the power of directing these characters over to the mouse controller.  The resulting user manipulable virtual entities were called 'sprites'. The Easter Legs are sprites!


When I was testing the EasterLegs animated interface I unknowingly created a blank browser window appear with the JesusLeg alone and bleeding.  Initially I had no explanation for this screen.  A little freaked I undertook to find out how I had summoned this virtual space.  After extensive tests I realised that the window was a result of clicking and pressing the mouse over the Jesus' Leg and then moving the 'cursor' off  the 'leg image' with the mouse button still pressed.  The Jesus leg animation  is deliberately horrorful on continued mouse button pressing, did the movie's horror induce recoil in my mouse hand and thus the Jesus Leg apparition?

Having explained the phenomenon I was able to furnish this new space with intention - a few words and colours.  A miracle unaverted yet explained.  A serendipitous easter egg in


The painter is the subject... the picture maker present.

A group of students on a creative 'gap-year' program from the USA spent two days around me and my home filming and photographing the...