Friday, April 22, 2022

La bataille D'Isigny. Part 2. Filming.

In late September 2019 ManCameraMartain, LauraCameraWife and I arrived in Isigny-Sur-Mer.  Our mission was to shoot footage for a film.  A no-budget guerrilla operation beginning at the Eastern edge of town near the gates of the huge Dairy factory.  Using Google Earth I'd pre-selected the first camera set-up.  We improvised the rest of the shots as opportunity presented whilst I performed the simple story board I'd made over the summer.

Dashing about the quai in a business suit attracted the attention of locals and we had some fun banter whilst explaining we were making a short film concerning the town and it's relation to the Disney Corporation.  After a long afternoon filming we returned home and I began to arrange the footage to see what had been captured and what other footage we would need to complete the film.

ManCameraMartain and I returned the following week with a tight list of scenes to capture.  We decided to shoot these on a Saturday afternoon - a relaxed,  non sacred leisurely time of the week.  This mission must capture myTHself transformed from suited business man to myTHself Trinity fantastic warrior angel on the main bridge over the sea canal.

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